
Monday, May 20, 2013

well done...

salam uolsss.....

my last update was October 2012? bravo mamalia....

having 1 kid makes you a mother
having two kids make you a referee..
having three..? makes you crazyyyyyyy.... hahahaha

With these 3 lil' angles, makes me realize that being a mom is the most challenging job in the world....okay, lets forget the part where my arwah opah had 16 kids... i repeat.. enam belas yer puan-puan.... bukan setakat tabik spring... nak tabik melompat-lompat dah dengan kecekalan arwah...

being a mom is the best experience that a woman has in her lifetime. She need to be hard and soft simultaneously. You need to be hard at times to your kids whenever you feel they are going off track and they need to be corrected.However, over-pampering kids always turn out to be spoiled brats.  

Anyway.... regardless how many children you have, how good have you been to your children or not, or you think you can be a better mother in any circumstances at,  all mothers deserve a tap on the shoulder... and say well done to yourselves...

Well done for:
1. getting pregnant...
2. melepasi pahit getir sepanjang 9 bulan mengandung...
3. bersalin... yang kena ceaser or bersalin normal.... i've just seen the u-tube ceaserian vid... urrrghhhh...
4. Proses pantang
5. jaga anak semasa proses pantang
6. having to eat dengan segelojoh mungkin sampai nak tercekik-cekik masa dan-dan tu baby nanes nak susu mama....
7. having to take bath within 2-3minutes (this includes projek kecil dan besar) sebab takde org nak tgkkan baby....
8. having to sacrifice all your personal activities (shopping, movies, hanging out with your girls, and etc etc)

& the list goes on and on and on....

but you can proudly said ' I'VE BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!!'

p/s : anak-anak adalah anugerah ALLAH yang tiada tolok bandingannya.... Alhamdulillah


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